Yes guys - I too recall the great Forster holidays.
Righto- see if these bring back ya memories
In Forster there was a CLASSIC old arcade called The Colony , there was also another one at the back of the shops facing the council caravan well as the one mentioned by you guys over the bridge already - what a town !
The first shot shows the locations I am talking abot for the Colony and the one opposite the caravan park.
The Colony was in the main street at the end furthest from the bridge
Heres the Colony building today - an ANZ bank - I am sure this would be it as the architecture resembles what I remember it as , being bigger than the other buildings there
And heres the building that the other arcade was in
The old one at Tuncurry seems to have made way for some apartments
Our parents were big 'caravanners' and we would get away about 4 times a year on big breaks and also a
lot of weekends throughout the year - it didnt matter where we went, the FIRST thing I always did was check out the caravan parks games room or get the oldies into the township so I could look for 'the arcade'