Author Topic: Calling all zaccaria owners  (Read 300 times)

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Offline Retropin

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Calling all zaccaria owners
« on: November 14, 2010, 10:32:33 AM »
I have a CPU board that will not boot... the CPU2650 nevers starts up.
OPREQ has a LO pulse and this should have a steady HI.
Now before i start thinking about replacing the 2114RAM ( has seen some acid damage) i need to make sure all other requiremets on CPU are in place.

Essentially, for CPU to run there are only 3 things it really requires.
 and good CLOCK.

My clock is a LO pulse and im not sure that this is correct.... i thought it was active HI not Lo.

So anyone with a working ZAC game.. can you place a logic probe on TP2 and tell me if its HI/LO or not

Thanks guys..

Offline Steevsee

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Re: Calling all zaccaria owners
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 11:56:47 PM »
I'll be happy to check this on my Blackbelt machine in the morning if still needed.

Offline Retropin

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Re: Calling all zaccaria owners
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2010, 12:10:04 AM »
Oh yes - still needed. Im pretty sure it should be Hi/Lo pulse.. but i need to confirm this

Thanks mate!

Offline Steevsee

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Re: Calling all zaccaria owners
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2010, 12:31:29 PM »
Ok Gav, before I let you know the readings, I have to confess that this is the first time that i've actually used my logic probe. 
It's a pretty cheap DSE kit probe that I put together quite some time ago. Anyway here are the results I got.

TP1 - HIGH(solid red led)
TP2 - LOW(solid green)
TP3 - PULSE(Solid red, green and yellow)
TP5 - HIGH/PULSE (Solid red and yellow)
TP6 - LOW/PULSE(Solid green and blinking yellow)

Alot of these look different from the Zacc website !@# but I did check each TP a couple of times to confirm my results.
Not really too sure on my interpretation of the various led combinations. ^&^.
Happy to help further if I can.

Also If you happen to be around Chermside sometime, you would be welcome to come and have a look for yourself, if that would help.

Offline Retropin

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Re: Calling all zaccaria owners
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 04:19:20 PM »
thanks for that.... odd readings which is why i wanted someone with a working Zac to confirm these for me.
I find that the Zac sites dont give you all the information.

The reading i was most interested in was TP2 - CLOCK... Zac sites state that it should be PULSING... i get a LO PULSE... you get a steady LO  !@# !@#

Every other reading on you probe is correct with the Zac sites bar the CLOCK... what im assuming here is that the clock on your logic probe is not fast enough for the CLOCK on CPU and shows only a LO.
On my CPU i have a LO pulse but at only about 2hz.

mmmmmm has the fog cleared??? er... no!

Thanks though mate... much appreciated!

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Re: Calling all zaccaria owners
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2010, 08:32:29 AM »
The reading i was most interested in was TP2 - CLOCK... Zac sites state that it should be PULSING... i get a LO PULSE... you get a steady LO  !@# !@#

Every other reading on you probe is correct with the Zac sites bar the CLOCK... what im assuming here is that the clock on your logic probe is not fast enough for the CLOCK on CPU and shows only a LO.
On my CPU i have a LO pulse but at only about 2hz.

This does sound like a problem (unless your probe is reading wrong) - every clock pulse I have seen in real life for a CPU is in the MHz range.

Offline Retropin

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Re: Calling all zaccaria owners
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2010, 08:56:45 AM »
The reading i was most interested in was TP2 - CLOCK... Zac sites state that it should be PULSING... i get a LO PULSE... you get a steady LO  !@# !@#

Every other reading on you probe is correct with the Zac sites bar the CLOCK... what im assuming here is that the clock on your logic probe is not fast enough for the CLOCK on CPU and shows only a LO.
On my CPU i have a LO pulse but at only about 2hz.

This does sound like a problem (unless your probe is reading wrong) - every clock pulse I have seen in real life for a CPU is in the MHz range.

Agreed... clock seems real slow.... need to put my CRO on this but i went to use it and the probe fell apart! With CPU board out of cct and on bench clock should be 6mhz