Author Topic: Happy Australia Day!!  (Read 1933 times)

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2012, 02:45:31 PM »
Yep, watching the cricket and just put a few beers on ice.

Offline Cow Corner

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2012, 03:25:06 PM »
better off than Australia... :lol...too funny...I know where I'd rather live. *%*

I live in Shenzhen and Guangzhou for nearly half the year and have done so for 7 years. My son has lived in Guangzhou for 6 years straight, visiting Australia for a couple of weeks a year and he can't wait to get back to PRC - I wouldn't be too quick to judge unless you have first hand experience.….......

I can tell you that there are a great many things that are FAR, FAR better in China than they are in Australia - many in Australia just don't know how many of our freedoms have been eroded away over the years in the name of "security" and other such bull. Australia is without a doubt a police state!

I met a businessman here in China last week and he was telling me about his visit to Australia. He couldn't wait to get back to the safety and certain income of PRC.

I bought a new battery drill from Bunnings recently and I was tossing up between two well known brands (one made in China the other made in Mexico). The 'salesjerk' said - "theres no difference, they are BOTH made in third world countries" - how uninformed of him and just plain wrong. China is further from a third world country than Australia is and if we don't lift our game and stop relying on "selling our soil" WE will be the third world country sooner than later!

We need to reign in wages big time and start to MAKE something....there is no other way out and we are all deluding ourselves if we can't see this. We MUST value add our soil before selling it overseas.

Anyway, I don't listen to those who have never been to China and seen it for themselves (and I don't mean an overnight visit to the Great Wall) because they simply have no idea!

Happy Australia Day - enjoy it while you can......

I don't need to go to China to know that Australia is one of the best countrys in the world.
You might be better off living over there if it so crap here?
Go the aussies...Siddle is bowling like a champ and the Indians are on toast!
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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2012, 03:31:44 PM »
what a narrow minded view............."I know everything - I don't need to look"…...........pathetic really..........I guess you are one of those that simply believes everything that you are told..........try thinking and investigating for yourself for a change maybe?

I already said I live here for 6 months of the year - don't you think I might actually know what I am talking about rather than believing the crap that is fed to dumbarse Aussies by media amd pollies?

Australia the lucky country - the best place in the world to live - what a load of bollocks! Yes it's OK, but there are a lot of blinkered people out there.

Last post from me in this thread -
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 03:36:01 PM by Homepin »
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Offline Retropin

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2012, 03:57:40 PM »
Having been to China myself also.. i can honestly say how blown away i was over there by the FREE trade market... the entrepeneurial nature of the Chinese.. the HIGH standard of living combined with extremely low electricity prices ( remember its our coal they burn to get this... starting to feel ripped off yet?)
China is absolutely buzzing.. was a fantastic experience to go there and witness it.
 The Gov sent a guide to take my wife and i on a tour of Guangzhou.. talking to her was a real experience... she was so proud of what her country had to offer... her electricity bill was US$7 per month ( with aircon of course), she was employed by the Gov ( civil servant) and as such would retire at 42 where her pension was her full wage index linked for the rest of her life... she was also free to seek other fulltime employment once retired and would not be penalised tax wise

« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 07:52:39 PM by Retropin »

Offline Olivia_jason

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2012, 06:40:37 PM »
I think Malcolm has far too much time on his hands and needs a 6 pack, a steakburger and a good lie down.
Where would China be if we and many other countries weren't buying their cheap goods?

probably better off than Australia who rely heavily on selling them our minerals for them to produce their cheap goods  ^&^

better off than Australia... :lol...too funny...I know where I'd rather live. *%*

wh osaid anything about living in china? you said china would be stuffed if the world didnt buy their crap, but you forget we would also be stuffed if the world didnt buy china crap. we supply them the minerals to make it lol ,and if it wasnt for china we would be f""ked, and cow you wouldn't be enjoying the country we have atm, so that post above with the article is dead right
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 06:46:00 PM by Olivia_jason »

Offline Olivia_jason

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2012, 06:44:32 PM »
Having been to China myself also.. i can honestly say how blown away i was over there by the FREE trade market... the entrepeneurial nature of the Chinese.. the HIGH standard of living combined with extremely low electricity prices ( remember its our coal they burn to get this... starting to feel ripped off yet?)
China is absolutely buzzing.. was a fantastic experience to go there and witness it.
 The Gov sent a guide to take my wife and i on a tour of Guangzhou.. talking to her was a real experience... she was so proud of what her country had to offer... her electricity bill was US$7 per month ( with aircon of course), she was employed by the Gov ( civil servant) and as such would retire at 42 where her pension was her full wage index linked for the rest of her life... she was also free to seek other fulltime employment once retired and would not be penalised tax wise

OJ.. mate you really need to go off shore pal and witness another culture/ country without hiding in some Aussie pocket as many Australians do.
The attitude that everything Austrlian is the best and if you dont agree f**k off is just right wing nazism under a flag with stars.
happy Australia day pal... its a big world out there with a lot of good stuff to be had and seen

was that at me?? i was defending china, lol

i completely avoid aussie day for the simple fact im sick of these dero's running around yelling aussie aussie bs whilest wearing a shirt that says "f*ck off were full" i hate the idea these mongs consider them selves the typical Aussie, all it is these days is an excuse for every dero to get out side in one place at once getting pissed

you were a bit quick to point that one at me. but its ok if it was misunderstood
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 06:52:11 PM by Olivia_jason »

Offline Caveoftreasures

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #21 on: January 26, 2012, 07:13:59 PM »
China is so much more advanced than Australia in so many ways it is ridiculous. China has the world record now for EVERYTHING and I mean everything.

Worlds largest dam, airports, sea freight terminals, anything production/industry, worlds biggest ships, the list goes on. China has invested heavily into their country (and many other countries) around the world. In fact, both Japan and the USA owe ALL of their debt to China, which equates to well over 60 percent of the USA and Japans Gross Domestic Product. (That means that more than half of every dollar spent in both Japan and the USA goes to China.(worlds 3 biggest economies - China, Japan, USA)

Financially, China is now the worlds leading economy financially. You can say USA is, but its not really because of massive debts. China's financial position on paper, makes the USA a third world country. I watch documentaries on China almost every night on Austar/Foxtel, and watch the English spoken 24 hour Chineese Channel, and its a definate education and eye-opener. (if u want to stay financially healthy, u have to get involved with the Chineese, make no mistake). Mike and a few others on here already know just how important China will be to Australia and vice a versa because of minerals in the next day and decade.

Happy Australia day. It doesnt matter what nationality u are, as long as u love your neighbour.

p.s - i think learning chineese is more relevant today in schools than learning french/german like we did as kids. china is a powerhouse financially, and we are lucky to have China nerby. We also have the USA and its aircraft carriers for those paranoid about China. But what a thriving economy which can only help us stay a rich country. Thank god we are not in the Euro.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 07:15:36 PM by Caveoftreasures »
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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2012, 08:35:35 AM »
This was a thread for Australia Day and for people celebrating me the front of some people is amazing..but as always it's the same old shit from the same old people pushing the same agenda becuase they have their nose and their wallet so far up another countrys arse they have to keep reminding us about how much better it is than here every chance they get.
Post a thread on Chinas big day if that is what will ring your bells and I hope you really enjoy it..until them bugger off!
If you don't want to celebrate Aus Day don't I couldn't care less but keep your aussie bashing crap to yourself !!@'s
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 08:37:33 AM by Cow Corner »
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Offline Retropin

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2012, 09:07:16 AM »
This was a thread for Australia Day and for people celebrating me the front of some people is amazing..but as always it's the same old shit from the same old people pushing the same agenda becuase they have their nose and their wallet so far up another countrys arse they have to keep reminding us about how much better it is than here every chance they get.
Post a thread on Chinas big day if that is what will ring your bells and I hope you really enjoy it..until them bugger off!
If you don't want to celebrate Aus Day don't I couldn't care less but keep your aussie bashing crap to yourself !!@'s

LOL-  wasnt any Aussie bashing as you call it, but if youre going to post statements like this..

[iYou might be better off living over there if it so crap here?[/i]

The good old ""criticise? then piss off" attitude.. ??? Oh dear oh dear

Offline Olivia_jason

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2012, 06:44:23 PM »

OJ.. mate you really need to go off shore pal and witness another culture/ country without hiding in some Aussie pocket as many Australians do.
The attitude that everything Austrlian is the best and if you dont agree f**k off is just right wing nazism under a flag with stars.
happy Australia day pal... its a big world out there with a lot of good stuff to be had and seen

im still not sure if this was directed at me??? i think i may have been misunderstood. seeing it says OJ im a bit worried i may have offended when not meaning too

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2012, 06:54:09 PM »
Yeh I worked Aussie day at Bunnings - and yes as a 'salesjerk'  :lol

Offline Caveoftreasures

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2012, 07:16:06 PM »
wow.  didnt this thing go down hill quickly. I thought the meaning of Australia day was tolerance and education.  I thought the combined posts on here all added (or 95 percent) added up to tolerance and education.
I didnt see anyone aussie bashing. I did see people however stating that China was also a great country like Australia, not better, not worse, just a country moving ahead with technology. A country that is a good part of Australias future.  I didnt think anyone deserved to be tagged a wanker cause they said a few positive things about our closest economic partner/neighbour. The original newspaper article could be a piss take by the journo, or it could be fair dinkum. That got the china bit included in the Australia day posts.

Australia day should be about tolerance and education, and giving credit where credit is due. Because some people think China is a growing country with some things to be proud of, doesnt mean those people want to move their fulltime and dislike Australia. The posts were as much about education and a bit of trivia for fun. Nothing else.
Thats the positive way I read it. I am bit surprised of where this thing ended for no real reason.  Happy Australia Day again.  Chineese wouldnt hurt for dinner.  #@# #@# ^^^ ^^^ Still makes me a proud Aussie. Got to have some humour.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2012, 07:48:20 PM by Caveoftreasures »
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Offline Retropin

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2012, 07:50:49 PM »

OJ.. mate you really need to go off shore pal and witness another culture/ country without hiding in some Aussie pocket as many Australians do.
The attitude that everything Austrlian is the best and if you dont agree f**k off is just right wing nazism under a flag with stars.
happy Australia day pal... its a big world out there with a lot of good stuff to be had and seen

im still not sure if this was directed at me??? i think i may have been misunderstood. seeing it says OJ im a bit worried i may have offended when not meaning too

No mate... my mistake, shouldnt have been directed at you... sorry for that... will amend the post

Offline Olivia_jason

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Re: Happy Australia Day!!
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2012, 07:55:54 PM »

OJ.. mate you really need to go off shore pal and witness another culture/ country without hiding in some Aussie pocket as many Australians do.
The attitude that everything Austrlian is the best and if you dont agree f**k off is just right wing nazism under a flag with stars.
happy Australia day pal... its a big world out there with a lot of good stuff to be had and seen

im still not sure if this was directed at me??? i think i may have been misunderstood. seeing it says OJ im a bit worried i may have offended when not meaning too

No mate... my mistake, shouldnt have been directed at you... sorry for that... will amend the post

No thats ok fwwww was worried i had pissed some body off with out meaning too, cheers