Some updates and a peek inside the backbox.
As everyone keeps saying, nothing beats that mellow sound from a valve amplifier so we have
included a stereo valve amp to keep everyone happy here.
You can see how we have also cleverly used a small tape recorder for the momentary sounds
and a larger one with bigger reels for the background music....
The actual game code is stored on the disc at the bottom right and as it is played with an auto-changer
it will start up straight away, well, with delays SHORTER than if the machine was powered by a PC.......
This will require players to remember the adage from the video tape rental days...
"be kind - rewind" - it will be a simple matter to reload the disc for the next player.
The mechanical score reels will also add a sense of nostalgia and give owners something
to overhaul every second week.
More updates as they come to hand....