Fired Pinbot up and had a few games. I took some quick pictures of the playfield lit up without a flash ;
I'll take more tomorrow.
It plays VERY well, and has a few minor issues I need to sort out. Player 4 Display was dead - luckily I had a spare, so that was installed. Then it would randomly blow F2 (solenoids and flashers) on the power supply. I narrowed it down to the two outholes (Left and Right) - or so I think. All solenoids tested perfect in the self test. It would blow the fuse only if the ball was kicked out of the outholes. I've done nothing special to repair it, but it played 10 games in a row without an issue. So I might change the fuse clip and the diodes on the outhole coils.
I need to source a flasher board or a couple 5 Ohm 10 Watt resistors. One is missing, so two flashers are not working
Final issue is the top two displays have some weird problems. They miss segments in single digits, or, leave segments on in single digits. Best way to describe it is to post pictures ;
Strange !
Anyone with ideas - feel free to advise as I'm still scratching my head !