Did anyone here score the "Riviera" by Alben of France that Mark C had on Ebay?
I had my beedy eyes on it, but had to work late so missed it ( damn you QLD for not having daylight saving!).
I think final price was a ridiculous $126.00.
Now most people would have dismissed this game as it was an Alben and they are known as a bit of a lemon.
But this game is actually a conversion of GTB's PICNIC from 1958.
So for $126.00 you would have scored youself a rebadged classic GTB from the BEST period for GTB games.
Only 850 made initially, only very few of those would have been conversions - it was a VERY rare game, plays as a GTB, IS a GTB and im kicking myself for missing it.
Mark..... any more like this to float on Ebay?? Email me first.. ill take em off you at more than you are auctioning them off at - LOL - $127.00!!!....
....Joking mate, joking