Homepin, thats why i have stayed off pricing. Everyone is going to get different pricing depending on the size of the company they go to and whether the owner is a mate or not etc.Dont think anyone needs to apologise, cause no one has been rude. If someone has an opinion, and it turns out to be incorrect, they were just incorrect, no big deal.
Strangeways, the answer i reckon, is take the original decals for CV to a printer and they will tell u by looking at the materials and the end outcome, how they were done, or at least how they could today, copy it. Any pro in the print industry will have a good idea how they did it back when, or will/can reproduce it with todays machines.
I was hoping we could focus on what decals people would want to get done that are not currently avail.
I am not going to share my pricing yet, cause my guy is waiting on my input re orders. i have 25 machines i can copy, and access to many others, its all about how much i want done, when by, and a few other factors.
any titles guys. what decals u want to see made avail. ? since everyone thinks pricing, u might as well expand the post to be about
what members they reckon is a fair amount to pay for full decal sets instead of guessing costs.assuming the new ones are better than the originals/or to save arguments, lets say the same quality/outcome as the originals.
when u buy a new car, u dont guess what the Commodore cost to make, u only care about what ya are willing to pay for it.