The "Haunted Basement" is another key mechanism that must be working 100% to fully enjoy this game. It is a fairly involved mechanism that I will strip and rebuild. When inspecting this machine, I noticed that the main large bracket had been broken, and a "band aid" repair was holding it together. The mechanism "worked", but not 100%. My plan was to repair the bracket professionally, and luckily MartyJ came to the rescue !
Here is a couple of photos of the assembly removed from the machine.
You can clearly see the "repair" at the end of the bracket. It is an "L" shaped piece of aluminum that is riveted in place. I've removed the bracket in the next picture ;
I gave the bracket to MartyJ who was kind enough to have it TIG Welded for me. He did the same for a recent Addams Family I restored as well. Very happy with the repair, and if you notice, you will see an improvement with a extra weld at the corner of the bracket to give the bracket more strength.
The entire assembly is stripped, cleaned and adjusted. Coil sleeves replaced.
On the home stretch !