Finally the 10 opto board is ready for sale. The kit version will be available in about a week as we are still waiting for a few parts to enable the kits to be assembled (pun intended).
The reason this board came about in the first place was because the board in my Dracula started giving problems and I traced it to a leaking electro cap that had chewed through some PCB tracks and a faulty LM339 chip. The board itself was very cooked as the 2W resistors are mounted hard down on the board and there are VERY VERY fine tracks running under these resistors. Also the connectors had aquired some sort of tarnish and simply wouldn't resolder well no matter what I tried.
Here is the old board VS the brand spankin' 2011 version:
I allowed many more vent holes in the board to allow more air to flow:
Also the 270ohm resistors are upgraded to 3W and spaced from the board on brass spacers:
All tracks are beefed up, all pads have been made larger and the IC's are fitted to turned pin IC sockets. This means any future repair that might be needed to this board will be very easy. Made using through hole parts - no, difficult to repair, surface mount parts.
Here is the first board assembled:
And tested on the jig I built for this purpose:
Assembled boards will be available in a day or so and kits in about a week. Watch the website for availability. Price is yet to be determined but they certainly will be cheaper than alternatives available from overseas.