i know a bloke who just bought a cactus canyon, a monsterbash, and a attack from mars and dint get any change from $35,000 (yes 35 grand).
funny thing is his wife left him over it. now he had the money, but you can see why the wife thought he was nuts. i think there are ALOT of far better titles than the 3 above for alot less coin.
in a competition, i would put my Starship Troopers up against all 3 titles above, and i reckon the majority of people would take the Troopers pin anyday over those 3 for gameplay and a insane audio/dot matrix animations/ unreal multiball etc etc. but thats just me. $12,500 for ANY pinball machine is starting to get towards the finatical point of view. but then again, people who buy x-box'es must think any person who hands over a few grand for a 15 yr old piece of wood with wires running thru-out it is also crazy/finatical ? where does the nutty/finatical start, at 2 grand, 6 grand , 12 grand. i guess its all relative to income really.