We have taken a punt and started up a self managed super fund and will be buying a small holiday house in Talbingo (foot of the Snowy Mtns in NSW). We will be making the house available for holiday letting.
I have a short list of machines that I think might be suitable to put in the house on free play but I would be interested to hear your thoughts as well. I am looking for family friendly machines that are readily available and reliable. The area has boating/water skiing in the summer and snow skiing in the winter. Fishing all year round.
So machines that came to mind were Whitewater, Fish Tales, Flintstones, Star Wars (DE), Jurassic Park (DE), Hook. I might also put a 60 in 1 arcade machine in there.
Any other machines you can think of that aren't overly expensive and good players. I am tempted to maybe put a SS or even EM machine in there to cater for all ages. The super fund will be buying the machine/s not me.