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Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by punkin on February 27, 2024, 04:51:30 AM »
Thanks Mitch, flippers are good. I just want to do all the top side faded stuff, and i want to do the insert lights.

I'll give you a ring at some stage or if you are going past someday give me a message. I have an insert where the clear is bubbling and i'm worried if
i try to polish the playfield mechanically (or even if that's a sensible option) i'll tear it. Also all the inserts are settled a little and i'd like to know how to handle this.

Gunna do some research on the basics of this stuff and probably keep this thread going if people are happy to advise me on my first real step in learning
pinball maintenance and restore.

I think it's probably the right machine to start on, so simple and so worthwhile restoring.
Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by Mr Pinbologist on February 26, 2024, 07:42:09 PM »
Hey Garry, I found the pics/videos of this machine from when i had it here 4 years ago. The flipper mechs had been changed to classic Stern mechs at some stage of its life, so classic Stern parts can be used if you rebuild flippers (assuming you keep these mechs and don't swap for something else).
Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by punkin on February 26, 2024, 04:54:41 AM »
I reconditioned an "Orbit 1" a few years ago - really easy to fix and clean up. Not a bad game to play as well. I think it uses Gottlieb parts, but I can't remember the flipper assemblies.

I love this machine. It's in gorgeous original condition. Mitch had it for a while and cleaned up the cab, touched up the blue a little, but it's an original,
almost unmarked survivor.
I feel like a 70's cool kid when i play it, and i play it a lot. It's tuned really well, and once you learn where the danger is and what nudges get you out of it
it's great fun to challenge.
Simple rules for my simple brain and very few little cheats that no one knows, so a great leveler in comp.

If it was my only machine, i'd still be a very happy man.

There is a gottlieb with the same playfield. Can't remeber the name, but it's the same machine with a different theme.
Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by Mr Pinbologist on February 25, 2024, 10:32:01 PM »
I reconditioned an "Orbit 1" a few years ago - really easy to fix and clean up. Not a bad game to play as well. I think it uses Gottlieb parts, but I can't remember the flipper assemblies.

Most of the mechs in Hankin games are unique to Hankin as far as the construction of the mounting/brackets goes. From memory the bumper plunger and yoke are one solid piece instead of separate pieces (plunger, metal and fibre yoke) like every other manufacturer!

I've heard of guys retrofitting mechs from either Bally or Gottlieb in place of the Hankin parts.

I remember using classic Stern flipper mechs (with Hankin coils) on a Howzat i did over ten years ago.. on another Howzat I did more recently I retained the original flipper mechs and made new flipper links to replace the worn out originals, new coil sleeves, can't remember what I used for flipper bushes though.. I think I might have modified some to fit by machining them on a lathe!
Parts wanted / Re: Wanted - Stern Trident Backglass
« Last post by Strangeways on February 25, 2024, 05:19:37 PM »
BGResto and Coos in Netherlands have not made this title yet. Maybe email them and see if they are going to make them ?
Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by Strangeways on February 25, 2024, 05:16:45 PM »
I reconditioned an "Orbit 1" a few years ago - really easy to fix and clean up. Not a bad game to play as well. I think it uses Gottlieb parts, but I can't remember the flipper assemblies.
Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by punkin on February 21, 2024, 05:42:02 AM »
Thank you again Sir. I forgot to order the skirts yesterday, will give Nino a hoi to include them today.

Thanks for the yoppsickle news, yes that's what they are intended for, so should work.

I'll probs ask Neil to do those with me, but this will be my first go at doing up the top and rebuilding pops.
Pinball Repairs / Problems & Assistance / Re: Hankin Orbit 1 Refresh.
« Last post by Mr Pinbologist on February 20, 2024, 08:33:20 PM »
I can't remember exactly what posts the game has but if they are white faceted posts then yes the ones in the links should be the correct ones.

Pretty sure these were the skirts i used on the last Hankin game i did

Haven't used Yoppsicles on anything yet (might be using them in a Fathom I'm currently doing though), but if they are intended for old
school Bally/Stern then you shouldn't have any issues running them in Orbit 1 as the Hankin board set is essentially the same in how they
operate overall.
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