biased. yeh right.
the dozen people who emailed me and phoned me excited about my review were thankful, and not one person put me down.
In fact, several people said they felt better about the deposit that they had put down and felt the review had made them feel comfortable with their ac/dc decision.
Just like Swinksy's review, it was fun and it was his opinion. If anyone was really positive, or really critical, would that person be biased ?.. of course not, that is just ridiculous. "Everyone will love this pin" was a figure of speech. Haters love nothing.
it seems that every person in the world who has decided to purchase a AC/DC pinny, didnt buy it because of a educated decision, but they only purchased it because they were caught up in your "the malestrom of hype". That insults every AP member who bought a AC/DC pinny and all the other buyers.
Stop being a hater Darren. Say positive things mate that bring the forum together, not apart.