Mike(homepin) u cracked me up.lol On a personal basis, i think facebook sux, but as a businessman, I like it $$$
People post when they went to the toilet, how they feel, all this random weirdo stuff, I sit n think FFSake, why are u telling the world what u had for dinner etc, who gives 3 hoots, but billions of people do it.
except me personally.
Funny Story.
A friend did a facebook page for me, without me wanting it.lol ...all of a sudden, I had thousands of random weird people incl young kids wanting to be my friend, WTF, I dont want a website with 60 kids aged 10 yrs being my friends, it doesnt look good ! and then I had 40 people with the same exact name wanting to be my friends, what is it now, a parrallell universe like Stargate.WTF ! so after my 11 yr old daughter, let these 2 thousand random nut jobs become my friends one night, I had to go on there, and create a holocaust and kill everyone by hitting the unfriend or kill button or some dam thing, then i had randoms asking me why i didnt want to be their friends. another WTF, so i killed them all in hyperspace and am now floating alone on a empty asteroid. HOW LOVELY. Life without facebook
but its still good for a business site, which is different. lol