Not at all. You want to angle for newbies, you start with a cheap game to see if the newbie has an interest in the hobby. There is no way a newbie would buy an AC/DC unless they were an AC/DC fan. Same with WOZ. Same with CV, MM and TAF.
Every single newbie I've introduced to the hobby buy their first game under $1000. Even that is pushing it. Show them a Captain Fantastic to hook them (memories of a lost youth), but introduce them with a playable EM from the same era. They need to find out if the "get it" or not. Bally Supersonic, Gottlieb Sinbad, Williams Flash, Stern Meteor - these are classics. All have spent time on the market under $1000.
Buy an AC/DC, Tron, Avatar, MM, CV and that's an expensive attempt at getting into a hobby. AC / DC would be a very bad choice as the resale will be less. AC/DC needs to be used in the arcade to earn a keep for operators, or go into fan's gamesroom's - which is a fantastic idea.