i bet a million bucks there is 1 x million people in capital cities before too long waving placards wanting juliars head on a stick !
Ill look forward to that... Australians on the whole are very placid when it comes to their governments.. LOl - In the UK we are quite used to taking to the streets to demand peoples heads... few hundred years back you could go to the Tower of London and see them lined up on poles... we are a bit tamer these days, but essentially.. heads do roll!
I welcome with open arms the day average Australians take to the streets to voice discontent instead of sitting back, taking it on the chin and saying " well.. it could be worse.. thank god your not in".... Indonesia, Sudan or some other non relevant country... yep.. could be worse but it could also be SO much better... hang about!!1..It WAS so much better! ( 10 years ago)