Hi Nino
When you stripped the cab did you use paint stripper or just sanding as you have taken it right back
Also the back pannel you will have to drill holes for leg bolts I rember seeing a jig on another post for accurate drilling It would be handy for what you need
Bunnings don't stock "Citrus Strip" anymore. I used the "Diggers low odor", which is just as good. I use the stripper to remove the bulk of the paint, then I leave the cabinet in the sun for a day to ensure it is dry. I then use an orbital sander with 180 Grit to remove the paint that is left over. Once that is done, I tidy up any defects and then sand the cabinet again. I'll wait for the weather to improve before painting the primer / filler.
I vaguely remember a jig for doing the holes.
I can remember the thread for the hole jig, but cant remember who posted the thread.
Was really well made, and a brilliant idea

And great start so far Nino.
Eight Ball is a game i remember seeing in a pub in Wauchope where i was doing a band gig many years ago, it was turned off so i never got to play it.
And i never got another opportunity to see or play another... probably just as well i didnt or it would've yet another title on my wishlist