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WooHoo! V1.6 - Sep. 7, 2012===================- Cleaned up hell mode logic with the lower playfield. The lowerplayfield is available at the start of each "Hell" song. Once thelower playfield feature has been played, it is made unavailableuntil all of the white note arrow shots for the song have beencompleted.- Fixed the user-controlled magnet hit during the "Hells Bells" mode.The bell opto is now ignored for one second when the ball is kickedfrom the bell eject hole.- Bell magnet cleanup. Hells bells now swings the magnet when the VIPpass is applied (via the FIRE button).- Added general illumination intensity level adjustment.- Added RGB LED test to make it easier to dial in some colors for themulti-colored LEDs.- Fixed a bug with the mechanical band during "You Shook Me All NightLong". The band would not move during the last 10 bars of the song.This has been corrected.- Designed RGB LED and LED GI effect systems & implemented effects.- Added encore mode for playing all songs in the jukebox.- Added new artwork for Back In Black / Encore. "Jukebox Is Lit" speechnow only requested if the songcan be changed (i.e. not during multiball).- Toned down spinner and pop bumper flasher effects.- Broken targets are now removed from consideration when targets areselected at the start of the cannon firing sequence. Fixed cannonmessage "HIT TARGET FOR". This will say: "HIT TARGETS FOR" when thereis more than one target lit in the sequence (such as a latter stageof FTATR and encore FTATR stage, for example).- Disabled target banks, loops, and ramps during encore. Enabled toplanes and pop bumpers (under certain circumstances). Cleaned up stagesto make some of them more challenging. Added lamps in the jukebox forcompleted stages. Secondary shots add to the song jackpot and giveadd-a-ball. Draining resets the song jackpot value. Added somereasonable scoring. Cleaned up shaker motor code. Control gate nowworks as expected during encore rosie and shook me.- Added instant info to the cannon for encore.- Each encore stage, when completed, now scores the song points scoredduring the game. Added an adjustment for the number of balls forencore.- Fixed an issue with recording mode average scores. These were nottaking into account the number of times encore was started. This hasbeen corrected.- Added art and sound for "SPECIAL".- Added art and sound for "Back In Black" start.- Added a lamp effect for multiball start. Added "EXTRA BALL" and"SPECIAL" lamps to most lamp exclude strings.- Changed all of the default song HSTDs from 5M to 7.5M.- Added a lamp effect for extra ball.- Changed the sequencing of the cannon award effects. These runimmediately (if possible, they are VERY high priority) and willinterrupt almost any other effect. Sped up the display of thecannon shots that are available when the cannon is ready to befired.- Lane change disabled when picking a song. Fixed up instant infofor VIP passes. Removed unused instant info lamp effects.- Added bell hits for playfield multiplier to instant info.- Added VIP pass.- Fixed a bug with double/triple bonus. If triple bonus was earned,double bonus would be given instead of triple bonus. This has beencorrected.- Reworked "super mode" jackpots. These are no longer lit from notearrow shots during the songs. Combo jackpot is lit every 20 combos(adjustable). Lanes jackpot is new and lit every 10 bottom lanecompletions (adjustable) -- top lane completions increase the value.Loop jackpot is lit every 15 loops (adjustable). Target bank jackpotis lit every 10 target bank completions (adjustable).- Target bank extra ball #2, target bank special #2, combo extra ball #1,and combo extra ball #2 could not be adjusted off. This has beencorrected.- Added target bank extra ball and target bank special to Instant Info.- Fixed a typo in the adjustment table that had the incorrect value forthe MEDIUM settings for the number of bell hits for the playfieldmultiplier.- Added speech for lighting the jukebox.- Added tilt and drain speech. Due to certain profanity that was added,the default value for the "Family Mode" adjustment is now "ON".- Fixed up the cannon motor movement sounds. The sound was being cut offat the mark switch when it was almost at the home switch. Now, thesound plays for the duration of the movement. This has been corrected.- Changed the bell sound track such that the sound effect should almostalways be heard.- Added new rosie jiggle art for white arrow note shot.- Changed the cannon firing sequence. If the player did not fire thecannon (i.e., a timeout), the ball would be fired out of the cannonwhen the MARK switch made a transition. On some games, the ball wouldmake it up the right ramp for free awards. Now, if the cannon is notfired by the player, the cannon will return to the HOME position withthe ball and then start another sequence which will auto-fire the ballout of the cannon somewhere in the direction of the AC/DC targets(with the appropriate speech, which is a little clearer).- Changed starting song jackpot to increase as songs are changed.- "For Those About To Rock" was not keeping the note arrow(s) solid whenthe shot(s) had been completed. This has been corrected.- Added art for the start of the "Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be" mode.- Added multiball mini super jackpot. If all three multiballs (Jam,Album, and Tour) are started at the same time, then a mini-super jackpotwill light at the bell once at least one each of: ramp jackpot, targetjackpot, and loop jackpot have been scored. Once the mini superjackpot is lit, each additional jackpot scored will be added to the minisuper jackpot. Once the mini super jackpot is collected (by hittingthe bell), the mini super jackpot is reset, and one each of all jackpotswill need to be collected again for it to be available again.- Jam, Album, and Tour multiball jackpots from the cannon are nowmultiplied, based on the number of multiballs started. 1 multiball =1X jackpot, 2 multiballs = 2X jackpot, and 3 multiballs = 3X jackpot.- Added lit cannon items and their values to instant info (this includessong jackpot).- Added new sounds for tilt warning. These are much louder than the systemdefault sounds. Is that all!