1. Bottom play field does not work ,lights,flippers but ball kicks out.
Check the 555 globe is working on the "Soldenoid Expander" board located under the playfield. If the 555 is not working, then the solenoids tend to play up.
2. right slingshot wont work with the 2 switches but works in its test mode.
Does the slingshot switches register in the "switch test" ?
3. 8 globes are out l checked the a few found one is 12v arn't they all 6.3v 555.
Should be 555 6.3V
4. found 2 targets don't work. haven't really looked yet.
Switch test will confirm this.
5. left bottom flipper isn't as tight as others but still works.
Probably needs a flipper rebuild. Sounds like the spring is too loose.
6. back of the lower cabinet is stuffffeeeeedddd. needs to be fully replaced.
Ireplaced the panel on the Eight Ball I'm currently restoring. Can be done with a small sheel of 20mm ply from Bunnings and the right tools !
Thats a start !