No such thing as " outgassed".. it doesnt go anywhere unless broken. What does happen though is that depending on how well the impurities were removed on manufacture, the cathode will release electrons.. these should be collected again on the reverse AC cycle. After sometime they collect on the impurities left in the tube and increase the resistance within it. This then causes heat and therefore more resistance. Eventually this self perpetuating cycle brings the displays demise as the resistance is too high for the neon gas to plasma. The cathode in the meantime is breaking down due to the loss of electrons causing sputtering and its decay ( Edison effect).
result is a non working display... the Mbar of neon gas though is still very present as it has been since its manufacture.
Just thought id clear that up... its geek time.
Thanks Gavin or should I call you Sheldon
seriously, good info Thanks. This display is cracked and maybe has lost some gas