Author Topic: Spooky Pinball 1st Pin - Pinball Zombies From Beyond The Grave  (Read 88379 times)

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Re: Spooky Pinball - are going to be making pinballs
« Reply #30 on: February 13, 2013, 12:19:25 AM »
He needs the money so sure we will see something in the near future.

A very good friend of mine started a VERY successful business in the 80's that he eventually sold for many millions of dollars.

He told me that his main path to success was employing EXCELLENT salesmen and he shared with me his secret for choosing them.....

He would look a job hunter squarely in the eye and ask them if they were married with kids...mostly they would answer yes...then he would stare intently and ask them where their girlfriend lived???

He always employed the ones with a family AND a girlfriend AND a flash sports car as they were the ones who HAD to make sales targets to pay for everything - the ones who only had a family didn't give a rats.............
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