Author Topic: Sunday Pinball Questionnaire - part 70 - ghali  (Read 14989 times)

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Re: Sunday Pinball Questionnaire - part 70 - ghali
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:57:00 AM »
Now Sunday questionaire makes sense with answers like these.

how far away is the are-K'd ( what sort of dyslexia is this?????? funny though) from your house? I'm sure if I set one up my wife would recommend I just sleep there instead of at home! (she usually says "have fun cuddling up to that machine" every time a new one arrives at home). At least when the little ghali's (ghalettes?) arrive you'll have somewhere to:

1. Bond with them
2. Escape from them
3. Lock them up when they need punishmet/rewarding
4. Hide the evidence of new machines (women do it all the time with new dresses "This old thing- had it for ages")
5. Meet fellow dads and share the pain/joy/advice

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