Gday Paul, glad you found us
Thanks Mate. I have you to thank, after all. Nice meeting you today... Could have kept talking if it wasn't for the kids! And thanks for the game on your Goldeneye pin. Really nice and sure it will go soon!
My Pleasure. Any time you want to chat more yell out. This is a great forum and you will be over whelmed with help and advise. This is a forum thats main objective is to keep pinball alive and well and they do it well. Don't be afraid to ask anything at all even if you think it may be a dumb question. It won't be and has most likely been asked in the past. Beaky is your go to guy for boards etc and homepin for those hard to get fixs. Others will help with stencils and how too's. It is more like a family, yes they have spats every so often but will come together to help others as well. So enjoy your time on here.