I did a load test with a 89 globe directly to the grd and 5v test points to create a load and on the white resistor measured 4.89v on the lhs and 5.05v on the rhs with the dmd disconnected.
though after doing the globe test again tested the grd and 5v test point and get 4.83v and reading the following site, they are saying anything as low as 4.9v can be a problem....
http://smiley.tzo.com/pinball/backups/dataeast_repair_guide-index3.htm"It operates best with logic +5 volts right at 5.0 volts! Any drop in voltage (to even 4.9 volts) can cause the display CPU to shut down or reset. As these games get older, the connectors fatique, and small amounts of resistance appear. Or the grounding strap going to the display board can become loose. These problems can cause the +5 volts fed to the display to drop enough to cause problems."now I just don't know where to continue on....... any suggestions
though I should get my power cable upgrade from pinball life this week sometime