Try locating and buying Whitestar CPU boards. Even Stern don't know the part number !
Are they the boards used in twister Nino?
Different revisions, Peter. The Whitestar Board I've tried chasing up with Stern (for around 3 months) is 520-5300-00. I've been back and forth with distributors and Stern "tech support" several times. All I can say is if you own a late model Stern, change the batteries often, as Stern don't even know the part numbers or revisions of their own boardsets, AND if any are available ! you would think their "engineers" would factor in a remote battery pack after learning from the mistakes of the 70's manufacturers ?
Does this apply to the battery in acdc NiƱo? I didn't see any standard AA type battery's in there all I could saw was one of those flat silver disc type battery's and didn't think I would have to worry about leakage from this type of battery?
Nascar was the last Stern to use a Whitestar board. The board AC/DC has is different. Those batteries don't tend to leak, but it is always a good idea to replace them every 1-2 years.