finally finished the rhs, it was a tough one as I wanted to keep the post and spot light untouched, and decided to do a side access where you would slide the asteroid over the lamp fitting - with the only assembly work being removing the lamp screw, sliding the lamp into the cavity of the asteroid and then dropping the screw down the top hole and tightening up with a screw driver. You would only be able to see the side access of the rhs asteroid if you were to stand at the back of the playfield and look towards the flipper.
Photo 1 - shows a guestimate of the asteroids pointing to the ship
photo 2 - shows a slightly higher view showing the access hole for the screw / screwdriver
photo 3 - shows the back of the rhs asteroid and the globe end of the lhs
photo 4 - shows the globe view of both lhs and rhs
from here - still need to tweak the design with one more print of each and then will have to send a set out for trial - but need a volunteer to test and install as I don't have one or not near one ….
for those with thoughts or getting a Star Trek - curious of your thoughts of the design -