cleaned up nice, I would like to get this in the future for the kids.
Did you find any of those pop bumper brackets? are blue, but the lower pop bumper is not seen !
What does the power connector look like on the top right of the power board? mine was badly burnt at this connector.
This is for the GI and is taken off for the display 12V, it may need replacing mine did, I also replaced all the backbox GI with leds to reduce the load.
The centre ramp also cops a hammering
Great game
It was replaced on the power supply, but the housing was the IDC original connector with some creative wiring. I ended up replacing the housing and pins. The male / female GI input from the transformer was fine.
The posts are fluro GREEN. Not standard Green. I had to order them from Pinballlife as no one else stocks them !
Mark C has them:
I bought new ones from Pinballlife as didn't carry them and I needed "classic stern" flipper rebuild kit. Great price AND they partially refund shipping !