Have finally uploaded all my photos! Not as many as I thought I had... perhaps I spent more time playing than I did snapping
TPF - 29/03/14TPF - 30/03/14TPF - 31/03/14Probably my favourite photos of the bunch... see if you can guess why (hint: not because of *my* dorky face):
And yes, that's John Borg in the background!
I recorded some audio from the weekend as well, mostly talks from Steve Ritchie, the ColorDMD guy, Jersey Jack and the guys from Planetary Pinball. I'll upload them if there's some interest, but I don't think there was a lot of what'd be considered "juicy" info in any of them, from memory.
I also hit up Pinballz Arcade in Austin, which has about 100 machines there. I wish I took some photos there as well, they had some fantastic and unusual titles as well which were all a blast to experience.