Author Topic: What coin Opp items do you collect other than pinball?  (Read 73869 times)

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Offline guyricho

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there wouldnt be many peep shows around these days you wouldnt think so thats a rare one.

If it takes standard 16mm film I actually know a bloke who has some filthy 16mm porn's and apparently there is a allot of people who actually collect 16mm porn and its pretty pricy to buy a full length porn film.
im not sure why but allot of porn seemed to be on 16mm not 8mm like most other movies for home use were.

so you should be able to find some new clips for it if your son gets bored with the same reel over and over again  %.%

for the amp can you steel some parts from a 16mm projector? they get their sound from a magnetic strip from the side of the film so that strip needs to be good or the reader needs to be good, i have messed around with projectors a few times and some times getting that sound and image to lineup is a pain in the arse.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2014, 11:10:34 PM by guyricho »