Thanks again Homepin and thanks beaky for the confirmation.
Three hours last night yielded this so far… Six replaced resistors and a lot of cleaning/ desoldering crystallised solder joints. Reckon I have another 20 hours to go; this is tedious work & I don’t want to wreck the board.
There was acid right under both removed IC’s in the red section, was a bloody pain to get any solder flowing to remove the IC’s legs after I cut the silicon off.
I forgot how much fun
removing crystalised solder joints was.
I can see why these boards are uneconomical to repair if you have to pay people. Upside is it keeps the game original and it plays original (I’ve got a pascal board, used it once and then repaired my orig – not that im knocking the pascal board, its great, I just prefer the original startup sequence and noises).
I’ll post a pic once Im done, Im gonna use some cct board lacquer after the repairs to seal the copper.
On another topic, have you guys ever replaced the copper fingers on the edge connectors – if so, how? I’ve re-flowed mine, but I have to keep re-doing occasionally as the copper underneath is not great.