Been a while since I posted any pics but have been gradually chipping away at stuff when time permits. Just about finished the cabinet (still gotta do the head box) excluding a few minor touchups to the cab.
What took extra long was I did the black area first which in hindsight was stupid. I should have done it last, so I redid that section again after I had done the yellow and red/orange. It was the biggest area and it was best to finish it off last.
The other thing I learnt since I have been using large amounts of frisket was I had to put 2 layers on. When I only had one the paint seemed to react with it and seep through somehow and react with the glue and/or really get the edges to lift. So after trying two layers of frisket it seemed to work.
Overall I am reasonably happy with the results. Not perfect since the method I was using didn't allow for the cabinet to be sanded totally flat since I would completely lose the image I was working off. But in some respects it keeps it a bit more authentic still seeing a bit of woodgrain indentation in the cabinet rather than a dead flat surface. On the side in the pic I messed up and sprayed over 2 orange circles so I scratched them back slightly in the pic so I could see which ones I had to be go back and fix (thought I would mention it in case people see a couple of obvious imperfections you can see one in the top left corner of the third pic).