I'm another fan of automotive acrylic, having been recently converted from using enamel. The acrylic is more expensive but using it i can do a full cab respray (including stenciling) in a day or so, as opposed to a week or so for enamel. I used to use rattle cans but i'm now using spray guns and air compressor now, its been a bit of a learning curve for me but its worked out well so far
My brother used to be a panelbeater/spraypainter and he gave me a few pointers on spraying/ guns to use etc, i was thinking of employing HIM to do the cab basecoats for me at one point
I just did my last enamel cab paint a month ago, my Gtb Solar Ride that i repainted in the correct colours (i had previously done the stenciling with a wrong colour years ago). Only reason it was done in enamel is that i had bought the paint ages ago and wanted to use it and not waste it.