The container story is an interesting one. There has been quite a few private imports over the last few years, and the majority of these guys find out how hard the work is and give up. One recent guy new to pinball claimed he had multiple containers "on the water", but they never materialized ! Of interest is the "Americanism" that container pins are junkers. Pinballs are the same as any other electrical device that ages. They need work. It is the skill and dedication of the restorer that defines the end product. Scrubbing out serial numbers to hide the fact they are "re imported" is one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. I wonder if a TAF that was put into a container and rail shipped across the USA will play better than a TAF that was put into a container and sent to Europe ? Both are container games, and who cares if the serial number is not a domestic ? Does the domestic game play any better ?