What is the time frame on doing all of this?
I am an amateur with up keep of a machine, but try to do things correctly when I have to.
But the time you put into each machine is amazing. Average?
Each game is different. I never put a limit on the timeframe as I don't want any part of the work compromised. I know that dealers pride themselves on finishing games within 20 hours, but mine take more than 35 as I remove just about every moving part. Usually I strip the game and then take notes of parts I need and then I start cleaning etc until the parts arrive. If i have to order game specific from O/S. then I put the game to one side and work on something else. I never time the hours it takes. Mainly because I enjoy doing it. The only time I record time is for repairs, or if I have to go over someone else's "work" - which happens quite a lot. I don't do "half jobs" - it is "my way or the highway" !
I'd say this game is around 35-40 hours.