In reality you hardly look at the DMD when u are playing so to me the modern beautiful red DMD still looks great.
The colour DMD screens do look great if u are a spectator ofcourse, and also look nice, but you spend such a small time looking at them that it never seems to worry me that much.
What would the cost be to manufacture and program a full colour DMD be compared to a Std red only DMD ?
The price the companies are charging for them seems to be a money grab at $450 plus.
Does anyone know for sure if Stern are going to do a colour DMD ? And apart from cost ? Is there any reason why it hasn't happened ? Surely the full colour DMD must be a lot more money to manufacturer and program compared to std red one colour ?
Does it really make such a huge difference that you would pay extra $$ for one ?
I guess people want them as std these days ?
Wonder what the technical arguments for and against are ? Probably only cost ?