I think DP will be fine, still have a strong talented design crew. Just like JJP and other company's they will find their groove and things will start to level out.
As for the computer stuff, I am not a computer tech head and probably have some of this wrong, heck I like using a mac
(that normally divides people), but where there is a will there is a way and pretty sure regular game pins like the ones that run with proc using a small computer to bascially interface the program with the playfield mechs and lighting won't be a drama in many years to come. I think the pin 2000 is a little different because the game is unique as it needs the monitor graphics to be projected and interface with the game play otherwise it would be a crap player. It comes down to licence crap and how they couldn't be bothered looking after all those with a pinball - maybe PPB will fix this and the pins get a new run of energy.
Have to agree with pinsanity and oldskool - just sit back and enjoy the development - as long as these guys are around for a while then computer replacements will be available and sure they will discover better alternatives if they believe it is required and at least they are pushing the limits. I think a pin with any sort of lcd / video graphics will be impossible without a computer.
Some pins will break new ground and others will stick to old school tech and be limited because of it.
I have seen TBL yet but the pin theme looks cool and the quality outstanding - good on them.