Author Topic: STERN releases Wi Fi & NEW Boardset for 2015 called SPIKETM  (Read 3926 times)

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Looks like it is a custom board running an embedded controller with Linux as the OS?

Time will reveal more but FAR more promising than using a cheap $50 PC part that's for sure.

Seeing the big stink you made about anything even remotely pc related?
you even scoffed at the idea of Linux or windows based pinball's now you see even stern moving in that direction and you have changed your tune

having your cake and eating it too it seems?

But I will agree with you here, it is good to see they are moving on with Technology in a pinball, seems you arnt against the technology it seems you are more against other companies you dont like using it.

This is stern playing catch up right here as far as technology
but still better late than never  ^^^

Maybe you better start looking at Linux or windows based games your self, thats JJP and Stern with networkable machines,
there is plenty of potential in game play for both those new machines that have network ability dont you think?

Regards Rich

First - how about you refrain from attempting to "say what I think"

Second this boardset (from what has been shown so far) IS NOT PC RELATED AT ALL, do you get that?

It appears to be an embedded processor running linux (from reports) so this would make it very similar to many smartphones, more specifically Android smartphones (80% of the smartphone market despite the hype from Apple).

I don't give a toss about what other companies are doing or using, I'm just not that interested and I am certainly not bothered. If you think I am then you are deluding yourself.

I am running my own race and doing my own things the way I think they should be done that best suits MY business. I assume the others are also doing what they consider to be the best for their respective businesses.

Let me make it so clear that you cannot possibly misunderstand what I am saying -

I do not care what others use, I DO care if they use what I and many other technical people consider to be a dumb setup (using $50 PC motherboards) and thus deceiving the public into thinking they are getting something special when they are not. PC motherboards DO NOT make an industrial or commercial machine and this has been proven time and time again. Many who have been in the amusement industry for as long as I have, have seen the fallout from this but some others choose to ignore it.

Clear enough?
Replacement Pinball PCBs that remain faithful to the originals