I covered the conversion costs from a USA bought machine plus shipping plus import costs plus the Australian dollar exchange rate etc on another thread and the $7500 to $7850 range is exactly what the machine costs out to in Australia for a BNIB Pro so we are paying what the conversion formula says we should be paying pro rata.
We had it too good for too long with a good Australian dollar.
The $7100 and previous $6900 mark was about $500 or $700 under what we should have been paying when u do the maths.
Stern has to cover a massive increase in new high end design and engineering staff plus extra management , then throw in the research and development costs of the completely new SPIKETM system plus a new factory which is three times the size with 3 production lines instead of one. An increase was inevitable unfortunately.
The machines are a lot better so we have that as a bonus.
I am hearing that the pricing in Australia is not set in concrete and is being relooked at given customer feedback.
It pays to negotiate just like you do with any new purchase of a luxury item.