Author Topic: Sloppy sloppy seconds ! Yuk. Sited pins play like a bowl of custard !  (Read 1666 times)

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Offline Mr Pinbologist

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  • Wauchope NSW
Walked into Playtime Northland, I see their only pin, Avatar. The playfield was beyond filthy and subsequently dull. I see the tech walk past whom I have seen at other venues, "mate, this machine is filthy might want to give it a clean" he looked at me and then at the PF and shrugs his shoulders and says "not my problem."

The exact example of the attitude of many operators, as long as the swipe mech works, who cares. So of course I don't waste any money with the knowledge of having a poor playing game ahead of me - but the next kid who wants to give it a go and feels like their money is wasted will leave a longer poor impression.

A northern Melb based operator, Frank's Amusements. Wow what a heap of unmaintained rubbish his machines are. Indy 500, trough issues. Kicks another ball into the shooter, lose one of the two and ball over. Rinse and repeat. Creature - GI almost non existent you would need a light strapped to your head in order to see the ball. All machines filthy and the only thing guaranteed to work is the coin mech.

Intensity at Chadstone. Three pins and all filthy playfields. The list goes on. Hard to find a pin in the wild and even harder to find one that is maintained and works correctly.

Don't these idiots realise that the machines would earn more coin if they were serviced properly and cleaned regularly??  ^&^ ^&^

There is a holiday resort in Port Macquarie who own three machines; Bride of pinbot, Jurassic Park and Addams Family. They pay me to keep the machines running and maintained. All they do is collect the money out of them.. they never clean them so i ALWAYS give them a bit of a clean while i'm there, after i have finished servicing them *%* *%*

I can remember when i first looked at these games, they were FILTHY, TAFs DMD was barely working (outgassed) and all had practically no G.I working, weak/worn flippers etc.  they sent each machine to me initially, one at a time for a full teardown and refurbish. They are usually pretty quick to call if there is a problem with any of the machines which is good.

BTW.. sloppy seconds... haven't heard that saying since high school!!  %.% %.% %.%