Author Topic: Gottlieb Sky Jump  (Read 18228 times)

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mark jackson

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Re: Gottlieb Sky Jump
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:53:20 PM »
I had a Sky Jump for many years. .... I restored the p'field, the cabinet, repro backglass and repro p'field plastics etc etc. In my case I had to as the machine as I bought it was really a 'wreck'. .... It scrubbed up really well, and I kept it for about 15 years, and only sold it last year. .... This is a great wedgehead with lots of great shots to be had..... There's the shot from the left hand flipper which can go all the way up the p'field and straight through the number 6. ..... I've also read comments to the effect that there are no shots from the left hand flipper, and that all the action is from the right hand flipper, shooting for the targets. I'd like to correct this mis-information. There are lots of shots to be had from the left hand flipper. As well as the #6 shot, you can also backflip from the LHS to get the targets 3-7. .... I think you can also drop at least the #2 target, and possibly the #1 target from the left hand flipper.

After a few years I changed the play from 5 ball to 3 ball. ..... This makes 2 distinct changes to game play. ... First, you then get 2 pink lights on the targets (instead of 1) for higher score and then 'Specials'). Also, the centre pop bumper then scores 1000 points instead of the 100 it scores on 5 ball play. ... This makes the centre pop bumper something to really aim for to get your score up. ... and the centre pop bumper can be hit from both left and right flippers. I'm not usually a 3 ball fan, but in this case it made the game more interesting to me, as well as a whole lot 'faster' in game play. As you only have 3 balls to accomplish something, then every ball is important, and there's a lot of 'tension' in trying to get score and/or Specials.

Sky Jump is a real winner of a game, and remains a great example of why wedgeheads are among the very best pinballs ever made. ..... Happy flippin'.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 12:56:29 PM by kidamigo »