Author Topic: Stern announces new KISS pinball  (Read 168566 times)

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Offline Caveoftreasures

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Re: Stern announces new KISS pinball
« Reply #105 on: May 09, 2015, 02:48:20 AM »
Also, website has a few articles on the KISS pinballs if u haven't already seen it on there.

It doesn't look much when u first click on but it all expands out to lots of info and has the FRIGGIN excellent Stern release video on there.

Also, some other excellent articles about TimeZone on the Gold Coast which will have a KISS pinball very soon I am told and various other great pinball news articles . Martin from PinballNews is a top bloke and runs a world class website and I believe is a fellow Australian based Aussie ! He is great to speak with. Passion running in his veins and such a nice guy. Doing us and the Pinball Industry proud.

Cranked up all the KISS songs listed on the KISS pinball machine list and brought back many fond memories from my childhood so I definately know and feel Nino,s passion.

Also, the audio on the last 4 Sterns (Pro) models I have , all have absolutely excellent stock speakers and the audio even on the Pro models are awesome so the upgrades on the other models will blow your ears off and the clarity already is just amazing so people who purchase the new KISS Pinny are going to be in for a treat.

I don't have any concerns about the recordings or re-recordings used cause I can't see Gene Simmons allowing anything out of the factory that isn't to his perfectionist taste. I am betting that even Nino will be happy with the factory released original audio.

***Can someone who is good at starting those voting threads start one and list the ten KISS songs listed on the new Pinball and do a Vote thread to get members feedback on what is the BEST song listed of those ten songs.
PopBumperPete and Swinksy are usually good at doing that style of voting thread. Thought it might be fun for the forum ? Or anyone else who wants to post it up please !

Thanks from Cavey in advance.  ^^^
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