its heeeerrrrreeeee
This is as cool as you can get, TOTALLY RETRO goodness.
We were spoilt last nigh at Joes joint. My Nellie arrived and also KISS. But this is about Nellie.
Man this game is fun, Very unique with real wood( and smell it ) detachable head box, real knocker, no ramps, one ball, beautiful artwork and quirky funny theme and call outs.
This game HAS to be set up steep as it can be floaty if you don't and when it is set right - it frikin flies. Even air balls.
We set it up at KJWHF for all the Perth Monday crew to have a bash and have a mini comp, going well till the mini DMD had a little spat so now we are waiting on a new one to be sent via air. In saying this it still plays and will be delivered on Wednesday, will then set up on the crate which is cool too! So simple, get the top roll overs to light up the bumpers and star roll overs around the play field and claim the big points in the gobble hole. Sounds easy ha, yeah right.
I could go on and on about this game, but I won't as it won't suit everyones taste, but it sure fills me up with oldskool goodness. Thanks to Dennis and Greg for making this beauty, STERN for making her and Joe for getting it to us in WA.