The cabinet colours on the Pro look awesome.
I think the Pro with a shaker is the best value for money out of the 3 models at around 7950.
A lot of people are saying the Pro has the best cabinet.
My feedback is the game plays very fast and is full of fast shots.
Anyone who owns a few John Borg titles will know how good his games play.
The Translite is very 70,s and I reckon chrome moulding around the Headbox and chrome legs plus chrome side metal work would be a great combo with the Pro. Wish the Translite was less like the 78 model but it still looks great.
So many choices once the machines arrive. I can see some doing custom powdercoating on the Pro.
Some unique machines to come. Great times ahead. New code and videos are awesome.
Anyone new decided to buy one who may have been on the fence before ?
ACDC and KISS side by side will be awesome.