Sorry guys but this thing about the dimples ironing themselves out as a solution is as good as waiting for wife's tits to sag enough so the wrinkles on her face disappear. Simply ridiculous
I concur - I don't buy the dimples will level out over time. That's just shoving the problem under the carpet with a lame excuse. Try telling that to prospective customers that want to see how a NIB game presents itself after 100 games.
I've passed on the photos to Joe, who will pass them on to AMD. I will now contact Stern directly. I think there will be a favorable outcome. I can't purchase a second KISS LE playfield at this point in time as Stern allocate a percentage of playfields for warranty claims. Once that period has expired, I will order one.
Just to keep this in context and perspective. I was ALWAYS going to buy a second KISS LE playfield to be sent to HRP for a clearcoat. I'm not buying a second KISS LE playfield due to TWD LE issues.