Nick, just slightly off topic, but would you mind sharing your story on how you acquired your BBB? I don't mean, "I paid $xxx & it arrived in a container", but rather were you specifically after one, did the opportunity pop up, did you sign up as a pre-order etc? Cheers.
Nutshell version - heard of the game, then the remake, it fit my Sci-fi theme perfectly but had too little info on IPB/Gene Cunningham (and what I heard was not always positive) to be prepared to risk the $ on what was probably the forerunner of the pinball "pay up front" builds. A few months later I regretted not signing up, and was then prepared to take the risk. So I bought out a spot in the queue when one came up for a small premium over the original ask price. it was the only "factory approved" transfer (I paid Cunningham the original price, and he paid back the original queue holder), because after that there was something of an uproar from people like me who didn't initially make the queue. In the meantime I met our departed friend Greg who was also in the queue, and it was actually over this game and the couple of years wait that we fostered our friendship. When it was done I paid for the airfares to get both games over and Greg was to repay me. Funny, still didn't know Greg that well, but knew enough to know paying out $4K to cover both airfares/duties etc was a safe thing to do....We actually got our games the day before the USA guys were able to collect theirs!