This weeks update!
This week I managed to create the stencils and then painted them on the cabinet over the weekend.
I also dismantled the coin door, the wife got in on the action for the first time! she removed some jammed coins from the coin slots.
Found $2.45 and a washer jammed in with wasp nests, she was having so much fun digging them out I didn't have the heart to show her how the slots come out and split in 2. LOL
I had the file given to me by boots for the cabinet stencils printed to white vinyl and then cut out the pieces with a scalpel, then instead of peeling of the backing and applying the sticky vinyl to the cabinet I used spray adhesive to create a low tack and sprayed onto the backing of the vinyl, this is because the vinyl I had it printed to is permanent adhesive not designed for stencils. This also allowed me to then spray the adhesive on the reverse side after the first shot of paint and flip it to do the otherside. Plus it only cost me $25 for the Vinyl printed to scale.
Worked perfectly plus I used Ironlak paints which are high pigmented and dry quick, I was able to spray both colours on both sides within 2 hours with no lifting of paint whatsover. The colour match wasn't too bad either for spray cans but Ironlak have an awesome selection, this is the stuff Graffiti artists use for large murals etc. Looks great on a retro pinball cabinet. dismantling the backbox I found squatters behind the aluminum ground plane, lots of them but thank god they were old and empty. This thing was full of wasp nests all throughout the machine.
Also started to re populate the playfield, waiting on plastics and some other bits to come from PBR but shouldn't be long now.
Here are some pics..
Cheers: Brettski...