So 4 months waiting for code give or take an extra 4 weeks.
It's not a huge time but I understand the code would most be welcomed.
I have enjoyed the Pro so don't know what the LE sound issue is but I hope it's fixed ASAP.
Surely it can't be far away.
Stern acknowledges the code requests publicly so they must be keen to get this sorted.
I don't think GOT has tanked, it seems to still be selling at a high rate but yes the squeaky wheel gets the oil.
Maybe this code situation is Sterns biggest New Years resolution.
It would be a PR success to have it nailed finally.
Does anyone know who runs the Code Dept at Stern or is dropping the game designer a email the best way to get a realistic timeframe for next code update ?
I do know personally the game designers are the best to deal with and always answer unfiltered which in this case may be the way to go.