It makes it sooo much better if u love the show and love zombies.
The Pro plays real fast & loose and that's why killing zombies at a fast rate is soo much fun.
Cranked up, the game is soooo much more entertaining. I love the Pro. It's a looker and a fast player if u give it time and learn the game objectives. The DMD animations are very very good.
Play the game where u can hear the callouts loudly and study the game rules & it comes alive achieving things in order but being such a fast wide open game, that's the challenge.
Lit up in the dark, the Pro transliteration and playfield looks great.
Substituting a few bright white LEDs on the Pro to a few colour changing LEDs is the go.
Change about 20 percent in different locations and again, it is even better.
The topper lit up is unreal.
Diverse titles across the collection makes it fun for everyone that visits and the more new Sterns the better in my books. If you like Borgys style of scoring, this also helps.
Cranked up, it becomes a cool horror show of gore.