APR hat on - We use the PinballInc / Starship Ramps on ANY restoration work. We have had to replace the inferior locally made ramps (as mentioned earlier, not produced using injection molding to original specs). In fact, we just finished an Addams Family and were supplied by one of the poorly made ramps. I think it is best to post pictures in comparison with the PinballInc Ramps as they completely different.
Urgh. that has been another annoying point
most ramps are vacuum formed, that is a sheet of plastic is softened, placed over a mold, and is sucked down to form a shape
injection molded is liquid plastic pumped into a mold
you are correct there. I take the point as being that pinballinc stuff is done how williams did it and the other gear is done using inferior quality methods. Mind you, I have purchased genuine licensed gear and was very disappointed. In particular, my space invaders apron, wrong colours, poor artwork, wrong sizing requiring modification.
So I don't care how its made as long as its acceptable and good quality. To defend Mr CoT, if his ramp is top notch it doesn't matter if not done with the original gear, but he was taking the line that it was unfortunately.