Interesting read.
I contacted him several times to request Evel Knievel Stencils and he didn't respond to emails. Then one day, they are on his site.
I recall 5 years ago having the conversation with Gavin regarding stencils and having the ability for a hobbyist to use them. After much trial and error, Gavin came up with the perfect solution in materials. While testing these on Eight Ball, one of us suggested registration crosses to be used for each layer of stencil. Thereafter, it became REALLY straight forward. The registration marks was a brilliant idea.
I recently received a set of EK stencils from Pinball Pimp with the same backing and transfer materials with registration points.
I knew it was a great idea at the time, and I'm glad others have caught on. I look forward to using these stencils. Gav set the benchmark high, so I'm keen to evaluate.